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Our general day work cycle of activities at Little Doves


Children will meet in their assigned room until everyone has arrived and been given a warm welcome! Early bird breakfast is available between 8-9 am then the day will begin with free flow play which is closely supported by Nursery staff. We provide a parent/nursery learning platform called ‘Tapestry’ which will give a view of life at little doves with children’s wow moments, curricular achievements it will show you examples of your child’s learning (What they know) what there working towards. During the daily work cycle children are free to explore the room using a curious approach to learning with their friends, practitioners or individually and participate in group and individual activities.


Our play barns and gardens are resourced well through a prepared and enabling environment and supports each child’s holistic development and learning. Our play barn is split into clearly defined areas based on the Early Years curriculum. You will see language and literacy areas, mathematical development. There are opportunities for investigation and exploration, resources for understanding of the world, expressive art and design/creative areas such as arts, crafts, mark making and musical activities, imaginary play and construction workspace. Children can work on the main tables, tuft spots and floor space with various physical development activities for fine motor activities work mats, play mats, choosing off the shelves and from baskets.


Montessori ethos


As the Children grow, they are supported to work within our Montessori work cycle (select activity, transport activity, complete (this may involve repeating a sequence of repeated movements) and return activity back in place. This work cycle supports the children’s learning by teaching the children where activities belong. It is surprising how quickly they pick up this routine with lots of adult support.


Story time at Little Doves 


We also have a lovely cosy book corner for our love of stories. We have a focussed book picked through the children’s interests in all rooms, we will explore promoting the meanings of print for example what’s happening in this picture? what way do we hold the book up? Who’s the author? Who illustrated it? What does the character look like? What happens at the end? How does it start? What voices shall we use! We also build on stories to create our own version through the use of book related props.


For the young babies we have a soft play area with a wide selection of play equipment, space for supported rolling, crawling and shuffling around and taking those little steps safely. We have baskets of sensory items, small world, mark making, investigation, we work with the babies using the guidance of the early year’s curriculum. All children can choose from a selection of activities providing opportunities for learning and development with close adult support and a carefully planned environment.    

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